

Dating back to over 2700 years of history, and also known as ‘the most beautiful city of the world’, Samarkand was formed in the 8th century BC and referred to as Samariya, Marakand and Semizkent in various sources.   

Several mausoleums, mosques and madrasahs, preserved to this day, were created in tribute to the scholars, such as a companion of the Prophet (pbuh) Qusam ibn Abbas (r.a.), Imam Bukhari, Imam Maturidi, Makhdumi A’zam, Khoja Akhrar Vali, Mir Sayyid Baraka and Abu Lays Samarkandi, as well as statesman like Amir Temur and Mirza Ulugh Bek who made their enormous contributions to the Islamic civilization. Erected by Kutaiba ibn Muslim, the Mosque of Hazrati Khizr is one of the first mosques erected in Samarkand.

The UN World Tourism Organisation included Samarkand in the list of the top cities that should be visited in a lifetime.9